

The school year is off and rolling at LAMS. This past week started with students and staff joining the community for fun and games at the villages annual Salmonberry Festival.

Throughout the week it was wonderful to see students settling into their new classes for the year and having fun with a variety of activities their teachers planned for them. Some of the younger grades have been doing story knife activities in class while upper elementary classes did wide range of fun getting to know you activities. High School PE classes have been working on their team sports unit, while the Multimedia class helped take updated school photos for each grade level. Our cross-country team has been practicing and they are all excited for this season.

Our week ended with the Title I meeting and an open house night. This was followed by a free dinner for all the community members in attendance. This dinner was a perfect opportunity to cook and serve the seal that was donated to our school during culture week back in May!


Upcoming Events

8/25: Culture Day
8/25: Parent Academy, 6:00pm
8/31: Early Release (1:00pm)
9/4-9/8: Fall Break, No School
9/11: ASB Meeting, 5:00pm

Our Mission Statement

The mission of the Lewis Angapak Memorial School is to support student academic, social, and emotional growth in order for the students to achieve their full potential. Students develop skills that will enable them to be self-directed, life long learners, and capable of surviving and thriving in two worlds. In addition, to ensure self-sufficiency we teach a curriculum aligned with Alaska State Standards as well as traditional language and cultural skills in both English and Yupik. 


Tina Cataldo

Principal Tina Cataldo
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